Open Hours
Pharmacy First
Our pharmacist can help you and the ones you care for!
Get prescriptions and health advice from your local pharmacist. Book an appointment or contact your local pharmacy if you are experiencing any signs or symptoms relating to any of these common conditions.

Stay well and avoid long waits at your GP or in A&E. Pharmacy First allows you and your loved ones to get health advice from our expert pharmacists. They can then provide NHS treatments for:

We can provide you the same treatments you would get from a GP.

The pharmacy first service is an accessible service for all, where you can receive support, advice and if necessary, medication to support you with common conditions.

Learn more about Pharmacy First

How can Pharmacy First save time?

Pharmacy First will help you get seen by a healthcare professional quickly.

Instead of waiting for a GP appointment, going to A&E or attending out-of-hours NHS services, you can walk into your nearest Pharmacy and have a private consultation with one of our pharmacists whenever you need to.

What are the benefits of Pharmacy First?

Pharmacy First will allow you to self-treat minor ailments and reduce the time you spend at your GP surgery.

Pharmacists have a range of clinical skills, and they will be able to provide accurate clinical advice without the hassle and waiting times that you might experience using other NHS services like A&E.

If it turns out you need treatment from a GP, your pharmacist can also refer you to them.

Who is eligible for Pharmacy First?

Only patients in England will be eligible for the Pharmacy First service.

Will I need to prove that I don't have to pay for my prescriptions?

If you are exempt from paying for prescriptions, you should show your pharmacists evidence of this when you speak to them. They will need it if they recommend any medicines to treat your symptoms.

What will the pharmacist ask during my consultation?

Our pharmacist will want to understand:

  • The symptoms you're experiencing
  • Your medical history
  • If you're experiencing any other types of illness.

This will help them recommend treatments and medicines that will work for you.

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01189 333 161
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Malwinder Sidhu 2041545
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Bank Holiday Notice & Service Update from Mortimer Pharmacy

We are closed on both Spring Bank Holidays -6th and 27th May 24.

To find an open pharmacy during this period visit https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/pharmacy/find-a-pharmacy

Seamless Medicine Reordering Via Our App: Don't forget, you can easily order your repeat prescriptions through our app, making it convenient to manage your medications right from your phone.

What’s New at Mortimer Pharmacy:

  • Interventional Blood Pressure Screening: We're now screening non-hypertensive patients for early detection and management.
  • Pharmacy First Services: Treatment is available for minor ailments such as ear infections, UTIs, sore throats, shingles, and insect bites directly through our pharmacy.
  • Exclusive CBPM Treatment Programme: In collaboration with a specialist clinic, we offer a private comprehensive treatment programme for various conditions, delivering personalized care at its best. For detailed information, visit Holistic Health Hub.

Medicine Collection Timing: Please allow at least 5 working days for your prescription to be processed; this does not include weekends. Due to ongoing supply chain issues, there may be delays, but we are here to assist you every step of the way.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to serving you throughout the Easter period and beyond with our new and existing services.

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